The occident considered the customs as a means to maintain its vested interests, not a means to regain new interests, thus its main purpose was to guarantee that it could run smoothly under the treaty. 由于海关主要是作为一个执行其既得利益而不是进一步攫取利益的工具而存在的,因此列强的主要目的在于通过适度干涉以保证其按条约规定正常运行而不是完全控制。
The conclusion section summarizes the achievements and problems of the late Qing customs. and points out that the tariff customs of the late Qing under the guidance of Hart thought just achieved a fair tariff under the Treaty. 余论部分总结了晚清海关取得的成就和存在的问题,指出在赫德关税思想指导下的晚清海关,仅仅实现了条约制度下的关税公平。
A number of the civil customs were different from the Babylonian civil law, such as the polygamy, adoption, inheritance, contract and commercial treaty. 在多妻制、收养、子女继承财产乃至契约关系或商事活动中的民事规范,古亚述民事习惯法均与巴比伦民法不尽相同。